In April HIS Foundation was invited by Habibi International to provide surgical services to refugees in Kurdistan. Habibi International is a Christian ministry in Southern California. Kurdistan is in northern Iraq. It declared independence recently. Most of the refugees are Yazidis which is a minority group that lived in Sinjar in northern Iraq. In 2014 their towns were overrun by ISIS. Three to four thousand men were killed. Several thousand women were captured and many were forced to serve as sex slaves. People were forced to convert to Muslim. Hundreds of thousands of people fled and many died of dehydration, hunger, and diseases. Most of the refugees now settle around Dohuk in Kurdistan. The United Nation set up over 20 refugee camps for the Yazidis. However, the camps are full and there are still many that are not able to get in.
Representatives of HIS Foundation met with the ministry of health, senior administrators of government hospitals, and representatives of several international NGO. They welcome and support HIS Foundation. We now plan on sending an orthopedic team in January 2019 to serve the refugees.
HIS Foundation medical teams have been going to several provinces in China (Henan, Yunnan, and Qinghai), Vietnam, and Madagascar. Now Kurdistan will be added to the list. We need more Christians including nonmedical professionals join in to serve. In Matthew 14:14 “Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” Jesus always has a passion for the sick. As followers of Jesus Christ, we need to heed His examples. If you are interested to serve, please contact us by email or call (310)431-6323.
Thank you and God bless you.
James Lau, M.D. Board Chairman