Medical Services at Kurdistan Region of Iraq 2020


Wish this newsletter finds you in good health and spirit. 

In February and March, HIS Foundation sent two medical teams to Kurdistan Region of Iraq to serve the refugees. A plastic surgery team provided surgical treatment for patients with congenital harelips and cleft palates. A mobile medical unit visited various refugee camps and provided a wide range of services including internal medicine, physical therapy, acupuncture, dental cleaning, and donation of reading glasses. Unfortunately, the new corona virus pandemic spread to Kurdistan while we were serving there. The hospital we used was designated as the regional center to manage corona virus patients. Our works had to stop prematurely, and our patients and volunteers evacuated immediately

In February, Hong Kong was affected by corona virus pandemic and there was great shortage of medical protection equipment. HIS Foundation donated surgical masks, protective eyeglasses and gowns to Chai Wan Baptist Church and Clinic, and medical staff in Hong Kong. In April, pandemic spread to the United States who in turn had severe shortage of surgical masks. HIS Foundation financially supported a project to donate surgical masks to hospitals in the United States.

All service teams to China, Vietnam, and Africa are suspended due to the pandemic. The next orthopedic team to Kurdistan is tentatively scheduled for end of September.

May God bless you and your family abundantly at this difficult time of pandemic.


James Lau, M.D.                                                                                                                            Board Chairman

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Baby Hip Screening Program 2020