庫爾德斯坦 骨科覆診隊 May 2022

庫爾德斯坦天鄰⾻科覆診隊剛完成⼯作,為⼆⽉做了⼿術的病⼈覆診,並提供康復服 務,⼤部分病⼈情況都⾮常滿意,有三位病⼈有輕微的傷⼝感染,經治療後已無⼤礙。⼤多數 患者現在要配帶⽀具及⽤助⾏器或枴杖⾏動,但完成康復後,不少病⼈將可以不依賴輔助器材 ⽽獨⽴⾛路,⽣活上亦可以⾃理。

We have plan to send another medical team to serve the Yazidi refugees from September 18 to October 1, 2022. We are actively recruiting medical and nonmedical volunteers including nurses, nursing aides, logistic  supports, and photographer. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail at HISFound@aol.com

May God bless you abundantly!


James Lau, M.D.                                                                                                                            Board Chairman

庫爾德斯坦醫療短宣 / 手術前後對比 2023