Program to Prevent Baby Hip Dislocation 

In Kurdistan, the incidence of hip dislocation in baby girls is very higher (Figure 1). There are several predisposing factors for hip instability in babies including first born, female, breech position, family history, and oligohydramnios (deficiency of amniotic fluid).

Female, 8 months old, Dislocation of left hip

Tight Swaddling of Babies

In Kurdistan, there is one more important factor which is tight swaddling of babies. In Kurd custom, mothers usually bind the babies tightly with the hips in adduction and extension. The babies are not able to move the hips freely. Prolong hip adduction and extension make the hips prone to dislocate. 

 HIS Foundation Program: Baby Hip Clinics

The aim is to educate the mothers on other ways of swaddling babies which allow free movement of the hips. Thus, this will minimize the incidence of hip dislocation.

At the clinic, teaching sessions are conducted with small groups of mothers and grandmothers. Methods of swaddling babies which allow free movement of the hips are demonstrated.

After the teaching session, children under one year old brought in by the mothers will have screening examination of the hips by our orthopedic surgeon.

Participants will have opportunities to practice the swaddling techniques on a real size baby doll.

In case hip instability is detected, treatment with brace or harness will begin immediately.  

The program is also implemented in the hospital. Whenever patients are admitted to hospital for any orthopedic surgeries, the mothers are taught the risks of hip dislocation associated with tight swaddling and alternative methods of wrapping babies is taught.  It is hope that the program will gradually change the way Kurdish women swaddle babies, thus decrease the incidence of hip dislocation.








2006年開始,天鄰與美國基督教機構「天國免費輪椅事工」(Free Wheelchair Mission) 合作,捐贈輪椅到河南、雲南及四川等地,天鄰組織義工隊到當地安裝及派發輪椅,輪椅隊的成員多由美國、澳洲及香港義工组成。一輛輪椅成本約400元人民幣。簡單而實用的輪椅由專家特別設計,為貧困殘疾人士擴張活動空間,改善生活質素,也減輕了家人照顧的負擔。

Let Me Move

A testimony of HIS Foundation Orthopedic Service

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